Ed Begley Jr.: 
A Real Valley Star

By Lawrence Stone
Crown Writer

     When he went to Valley College in 1967, Ed Begley Jr. remembers a comical student who used to walk into class backwards. 
      This was his introduction to Michael Richards, who would go on to become Seinfeld's lovable crackpot neighbor, Cosmo Kramer. 
      Richards was even then the campus clown ,   Begley said. Ed Begley  and Michael Richards have remained close friends over the years, and at one time teamed-up in a stand-up-comedy routine at the Troubadour Nightclub. 
       Veteran actor Ed Begley Jr. is just one of many distinguished celebrities who has  attended Los Angeles Valley College. Begley also remembers,  "The wonderful fertile atmosphere of learning that permeated campus life here at LAVC." Begley has recently returned to Valley to serve as Honorary Co-Chairman (with Richard  Alarcon) of the College's 50th Anniversary celebration. 
      Begley has had a very productive career in the movies, on the stage and TV. He  is the son of Ed Begley Sr., a  distinguished actor who won an Academy Award in 1962  for best supporting actor in the movie, Sweet Bird of Youth. Begley was born in Hollywood and lived primarily in the San Fernando Valley where he graduated from Van Nuys High School in 1967. Begley majored in Theatre and Cinema  at Valley College with emphasis on cinematography. Begley credits his experience in Valley's cinematography classes for much of his early employment as a cameraman in the movie and television industries. 
      Begley's first TV acting job was a role in My Three Sons starring Fred MacMurray. He was 17 years old and totally exuberant about his first professional role. Even as a youngster, Begley had always wanted to be an actor like his famous father. Begley had roles in such successful TV series as Happy Days,  Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, The Doris Day Show,  and then his big break as Dr.Victor Ehrlich in the popular series St. Elsewhere which also earned him six Emmy Nominations. 
      Begley's fame rests on his distinguished career in the entertainment industry.  But Begley is also notable as an activist and evironmentalist. In his younger days,  he was associated with the environmental group,  Friends of the Earth.  Begley  later served on the national boards of the Environmental Research Foundation,  Earth Communications Office,  Environmental Media Association,  and the Walden Woods Project.  Begley's hobbies include gardening and carpentry work.  He is also a lover of classical music, and  his favorite composers are:  Hayden, Bach, Beethoven, and Sibelius. 
      Begley has recently completed some stage plays at the Geffen Playhouse in Westwood, and has a recurring role on the TV series, 7th Heaven. 
      Begley credits much of his early success to the Theatre/Cinema classes he took at Valley College.  He offers advice to  students planning their futures:  "I would urge students to pursue and develop marketable skills in growth industries, like video products, computers, and all phases of the entertainment industry," he said.

Ed Begley's Career Highlights: Begley has appeared in more than fifty films which include Young Doctors in Love, Stay Hungry,  Streets of Fire, This is Spinal Tap,  Cat People,  Goin' South  with Jack  Nicholson and John Belushi,  Accidental Tourist with Geena Davis,  Protocol with Goldie Hawn,   and  She Devil with Meryl Streep and Rosanne.  Begley even had a successful stint as a standup comedian.