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Dr. Alson Sears
Ed Bond

Canine distemp
 Canine distemper cure


Before and After
Dr. Sears' Treatment

Better Bear Sick Bear
Bear - Before treatment
Bear - After Treatment
1/31/2001     "Today we brought Bear home, and she looks wonderful! Her nose is totally clear, her eyes look great, and her temperature is normal! We are still not completely in the clear, since she had had symptoms for about 10 days before seeing Dr. Sears. But Dr. Sears did stop the virus, now we just wait and see how much damage was done to Bear's nervous system before the virus was stopped. We have every hope in the world that she will live a long and full life.
     "Very few dogs ever survive distemper, and those that do must endure weeks, and often lifetimes, of seizures. It makes me so sad to think that thousands of dogs could be spared that fate, if only we could get the right people to listen to Dr. Sears.
    "I have enclosed a before and after picture of Bear, courtesy of Dr. Sears and his staff. This is after only two days of treatment. I think the pictures speak for themselves. "
Monica and David Erlich

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